
How much it costs to develop an on-demand app like Dukaan - Create your online dukaan in 30 seconds

There was a time when if you wanted to order from a grocery store in your city, you simply had to call them and the products would be delivered to you. Although this changed once the Internet took over and people started setting up their own online stores which almost created a monopoly in the market. However, this is not the case since now there are on-demand applications that offer you to create your own online store on their platform in exchange for little charges per month. The concept of these apps is basically the same as domain hosting websites that allow you to rent online space to build your website. If you are someone who is looking to develop your own online store as well as someone who is looking to invest in such a sector then you should keep reading this article How much it costs to develop an on-demand app like Dukaan - Create your online dukaan in 30 seconds. Welcome to the Tech Pathway blog, today we are going to share with you How much it costs to develop an on-demand